Click for Infinity's solar-and-ultracapacitor powered ground-lights. There are three types: blinking, flashing and glowing.
Click for Infinity's solar-and-ultracapacitor-powered cat's-eyes (road-studs).
The logo and trademark of EStarFuture Corporation Limited (also trading as E*Future TM) in the livery for solar-ultracapactor products. Copyright 2005 Nobilangelo Ceramalus and EStarFuture Corporation. Click for company details.
Click for page 2 of Solar-Light Tiles
Click to download a PDF document showing the specifications for this tile (a new window will open). The price is in New Zealand dollars, is available only in New Zealand, and excludes GST, freight and packaging.
Click here to download a PDF document showing the specifications for this tile (a new window will open). The price is in New Zealand dollars, is available only in New Zealand, and excludes GST, freight and packaging.
Click for Infinity's solar-and-ultracapacitor-powered groundlights. There are three types: blinking, flashing and glowing.
Click for Infinity's solar-and-ultracapacitor-powered cat's eyes (road-studs)
This is page one of the two Solar-Light Tiles pages. Click here to see page two (in a new window).
Click for page 2 of Solar-Light Tiles
No wires. No power-bills.
The condition of the sky sets the limit to our lives. Only when we use clean energy sources can we guarantee a secure, quality future.
The energy from sunlight--clean, non-polluting, abundant, and as certain as the sunrise.
E*Future's products are designed and built to give the next generation a better future. That is the only reason for their existence.
Infinity's SolarCAP solar-light tiles are powered by the sun. Free electricity. No bills. It takes 1 hour on a sunny day, 6 hours on a cloudy day or 8 on rainy day to charge them fully, then when night falls they switch themselves on and run for 12 hours or more.

Unlike cheap solar-lights, which store the sun's power in batteries, Infinity uses the vastly superior technology of ultracapacitors (running on a very safe 2.3 volts)--the award-winning ultracapacitors from its parent company, NessCap. Batteries store electricity chemically, and last no more than 1000 charge-discharge cycles, which for lights going through one cycle a day means only 2-3 years. But ultracapacitors store electricity physically, so they last a very long time. Infinity's run for 100,000 cycles. At one cycle a day, that would be 273 years. And batteries only operate properly between 0°C and 50°C. Ultracapacitors run perfectly from -25°C to 60°C.

SolarCAP solar-light tiles are housed in unbreakable, industrial-strength, scratch-resistant polycarbonate--a clear tough plastic, a material normally warranted against UV damage for 10 years, although 15 or more can be expected. The tiles can be driven over without harm by cars, SUVs, pickups, vans and light trucks (if evenly spread, each tile could support over 3000kg). They are made of quality American polycarbonate.

The German-made silicon solar cells that border the tiles and convert the sunlight to electricity have an average life of 20-30 years.
SolarCap tiles contain no toxic, harmful, hazardous or polluting materials or chemicals.

The pure light in SolarCap tiles is produced by an array of superbright LEDs, the low-
voltage, high-technology light that is taking over the lighting world. LEDs combine high brightness with low power-consumption and minimal heat-dissipation. They can shine non-stop for 60,000-100,000 hours--i.e., ~15-20+ years for lights shining only at night.

Infinity's solar-light tiles are built to last. The manufacturer's warranty against defective material or workmanship is for three years. Infinity is proud of its quality-control, and that the list of countries it exports to includes the tough, discerning Japanese market.

Click here for technical data and official laboratory reports.

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Auckland free-calling area: please call 372-7001. Rest of NZ: please call 0800-338-887.