Monday, January 22, 2007


Now, at last, the IPCC is it seems going to tell us that we have passed the point of no-return, as the quotations below from The Observer, London, dated January 22nd, make chillingly clear.

'Global warming is destined to have a far more destructive and earlier impact than previously estimated, the most authoritative report yet produced on climate change will warn next week.

'A draft copy of the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shows the frequency of devastating storms will increase dramatically. Sea levels will rise over the century by around half a metre; snow will disappear from all but the highest mountains; deserts will spread; oceans will become acidic, leading to the destruction of coral reefs and atolls; and deadly heatwaves will become more prevalent.

'The impact will be catastrophic, forcing hundreds of millions of people to flee their devastated homelands, particularly in tropical, low-lying areas, while creating waves of immigrants whose movements will strain the economies of even the most affluent countries.

'The really chilling thing about the IPCC report is that it is the work of several thousand climate experts who have widely differing views about how greenhouse gases will have their effect. Some think they will have a major impact, others a lesser role. Each paragraph of this report was therefore argued over and scrutinized intensely. Only points that were considered indisputable survived the process.

' "This is a very conservative document -- that's what makes it so scary," one senior UK climate expert said.

'Although the final wording of the report is still being worked on, the draft indicates that scientists now have their clearest idea so far about future climate changes, as well as about recent events. It points out that: twelve of the past thirteen years were the warmest since records began; ocean temperatures have risen at least 3km beneath the surface; glaciers, snow cover and permafrost have decreased in both hemispheres; sea levels are rising at the rate of almost 2mm a year; cold days, nights and frost have become rarer while hot days, hot nights and heatwaves have become more frequent.

'And the cause is clear, say the authors: It is very likely that [man-made] greenhouse gas increases caused most of the average temperature increases since the mid-20th century, the report says.

'To date, these changes have caused global temperatures to rise by 0.6 degrees Celsius The most likely outcome of continuing rises in greenhouses gases will be to make the planet a further 3 degrees hotter by 2100, although the report acknowledges that rises of 4.5 to 5 degrees could be experienced. Ice-cap melting, rises in sea levels, flooding, cyclones and storms will be an inevitable consequence.

'The report reflects climate scientists' growing fears that Earth is nearing the stage when carbon dioxide rises will bring irreversible change to the planet.'

Really? As anyone with half an eye can see we have already passed that stage.

Underlining the point is the resetting of the Doomsday Clock, which now says global-overheating is as serious a threat to the human race as nuclear weapons. The clock now say it's five minutes to midnight. More than a tad optimistic obviously, but tick, tick, tick...

Monday, January 15, 2007


But it is now far more subtle and lot less messy than when the Nazis did it. Instead of Auschwitz and Buchenwald we now have concentration camps of the mind and gas-ovens of the heart. But the result is the same. Good society goes up in smoke and generations are ruined.

In the story of the Emperor's new clothes, it was politically correct to say that his clothes were magnificent--'only fools cannot see them.'

The wise avoid the trap of allowing such psychological abuse to distort their vision and judgement, and their duty to cry out the truth.

Friday, January 12, 2007


Van Jolissaint, Chrysler's chief economist (obviously a very learned scientist!), says
in this BBC item that climate-change is 'way, way in the future, with a high degree of uncertainty.', He was also scathing about the Stern Report, which put the cost of doing nothing at $US10 trillion.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, there is the prediction for 2007--that it will be the hottest on record (since 1860, that is). Is that 'way, way in the future'?

But Van Jolissaint knoweth better. For--behold!--he is the chief economist at Chrysler.

As this article in the New Zealand Herald shows, New Zealand's weather went very pear-shaped last year--and that is a country that used to have a stable climate. Before, that is, all the Van Jolissaints wrecked the planet. Is 2006 'way, way in the future'?

But Van Jolissaint knoweth better. For--behold!--he is the chief economist at Chrysler.

Then there is this dire
scientific prediction for Europe, which the EU takes very seriously.

But Van Jolissaint knoweth better. For--behold!--he is the chief economist at Chrysler.

No, he is a just another of the damned peace-criminals that have made hundreds of millions of planet-trashing machines, and called it good business. He, like them, is guilty of gross crimes against humanity. The number of deaths they have caused, and will cause, make Saddam Hussein look like a jolly saint.

But Van Jolissaint knoweth better. For--behold!--he is the chief economist at Chrysler.