Please note: All prices on this website are subject to change without notice; they also may alter with fluctuations in exchange-rates;
they may vary with the size of the order (including downward on large orders). All prices are in New Zealand dollars, and apply only in New Zealand. They exclude GST, freight, processing, packaging, and any customs duty that may be levied. EStarFuture's terms are payment with order. Please allow three weeks for delivery from the time your payment is cleared by your bank. EStarFuture will strive to give the best and fastest service it can, but is not responsible for the action, non-action, inefficiency or incompetence of third parties or human failings. It is not a perfect world...
Credit-card payments for orders taken by telephone or email, because of the way the banking industry processes them, may take up to two weeks.
In the interests of constant improvement, all specifications and designs are subject to change without notice. E&OE.
Trademark Notices
The following are trademarks of EStarFuture Corporation Limited ('the company'):
the E*Future logo, being the forward-sloping E plus the * in the style shown in this website ('herein') or elsewhere by the company, with or without the word 'future' under the E, as shown here or elsewhere by the company, regardless of colour or fill, and with or without the white-to-dark-blue radial-fill background shown herein or elsewhere by the company; E*Future's subsidiary logos, as shown herein or elsewhere by the company, being the E and the * in the style shown herein plus the word 'torrent' or 'solar' or 'power' or 'fuel-cells' or 'fcv' or 'micro' or 'car' or 'truck' or 'bus' or 'van' any other word or abbreviation or acronym in the same or similiar to the style shown herein or elsewhere by the company; E*EStarFuture and EStarFuture Corporation, also styled/spelt as E*Future and E*Future Corporation;
the Torrent name for an electrolyser or electrolysers, with or without the suffixes Series, K Series, SK Series, XK Series, ZK Series, K5, K10, K20, K30, K40, SK5, SK10, SK20, SK30, SK40, XK5, XK10, XK20, XK30, XK40, ZK5, ZK10, ZK20, ZK30, ZK40; the Torrent name for an electrolysers or electrolysers in the style or styles shown herein or elsewhere by the company, with or without those same suffixes in the same style; the name EStarPower or E*Power for an AC-to-DC power-supply; the names EStarPower or E*Power in the style or styles shown herein or elsewhere by the company; the names EStarControlWare and E*ControlWare; the names EStarControlWare or E*ControlWare in the style or styles shown herein or elsewhere by the company; the names EStarCar or E*Car in the styles shown herein or elsewhere by the company; the phrase 'Advanced Electrolysis', especially in the style shown herein;the slogans 'The sky is the limit' and 'Energy that does not cost us the Earth' and 'The secure energy future--generated by the sun' and any other phrase or slogan marked TM or (TM) in this site that is used in conjunction with solar products, hydrogen products. or combinations of solar and hydrogen products, or any solar-hydrogen project to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions; and the teleshopping icon showing children running into a computer. Other brands and products mentioned in this website are the trademarks of their respective owners.
Copyright Notices
The following are copyright © 2004-2018 Nobilangelo Ceramalus and © 2005-2018 EStarFuture Corporation: the E*Future logo, being the forward-sloping E, the * and the word 'future' under the E, as shown on this website ('herein') or elsewhere by the company, regardless of colour or fill, and with or without the white-to-dark-blue radial fill background, as shown herein or elsewhere by the company; the designs of the EStarCar. Copyright © 2005-2018 EStarFuture Corporation Ltd are: the subsidiary logos built on the E* graphic, being the forward-sloping letter E and a *, with, underneath the E, the word 'torrent' or 'solar' or 'power' or 'fuel-cells' or 'fcv' or 'micro' or 'car' or 'truck' or 'bus' ' or 'van' or any other word or abbreviation or acronym in the same or similar style shown herein or elsewhere by the company, with or without the white-to-dark-blue radial background herein; the style for the Torrent name as used herein or elsewhere by the company, whether alone or with the E*Future or E* logos, and/or with the suffixes 'Series,' 'K,' 'K Series,' 'K' followed by a number, 'SK,' 'SK Series,' 'SK' followed by a number, 'XK,' 'XK Series,' 'XK' followed by a number, 'ZK,' 'ZK Series,' 'ZK' followed by a number, or any other suffix, with or without the seven-line curling-wave device or the photographic or other torrent image and whether used herein or elsewhere by the company; and the teleshopping icon of children running into a computer.